
...to the pathetic musings of an ego centric pseudo-intellectual on religion, philosophy, and other things I don't know about!

Monday, January 14, 2008


The title explains it all.

My names Hannah, and, as you can plainly see depending on the mood of your internet browser, this is a blog. I'm sorry if you have arrived here arbitrarily; I do apologize for wasting your precious time.

Now to cut to the chase.

I don't have much to post here at the moment, though I plan on excavating and/or constructing more material. As for today, however, I shall leave you with a brief introduction via a small, crummy poem I attempted some time ago. The theme is fairly, erm, easy to comprehend. It doesn't try to be subtle, really.

Hearken unto me, O Jerusalem,
Thou who art my life, my light, my savior eternal.
Hearken unto me, O Jerusalem,
And hear these cries of we, who hath forgotten
Our tongues cloven to the roofs of our mouths.
Hearken unto me, O Jerusalem,
“Hearken unto the voice of my cry” (Ps. 5.2).
I shall hang my harp upon the door of thy sepulcher,
As to praise thy unnamable name.
Pleading thee, O Jerusalem, am I,
For thine lovingkindness, thy mercy, thy saving grace,
That hast sanctified the souls of our forefathers.
Hearken unto us, O glorious Zion,
We, once begotten, return wearily to thy bosom.

(By me).

I leave you with this in hopes that eventually an essay or some other piece (e.g. random discourse) will make its way on to this pathetic sight. But, in the mean time, שָׁלוֹם

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