
...to the pathetic musings of an ego centric pseudo-intellectual on religion, philosophy, and other things I don't know about!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pascha: Thankfully There's Forty Days of It

Christ is risen! Truly He is risen!
Crist aras! Crist sodhlice aras!
Der Meschiache undzer iz geshtanen! Avade er iz ufgeshtanen!
Cristo è risorto! È veramente risorto!
Le Christ est ressuscité! Vraiment Il est ressuscité!
Cristo ha resucitado! Verdaderamente, ha resucitado!
Христос Воскресе! Воистину Воскресе!
Χριστός Ανέστη! Αληθώς Ανέστη!
Ha Masheeha houh kam! A ken kam!

Hope all of my non-existent readers had a fantastic Pascha/Easter/Passover! Ours consisted of church (lots of it), Big Love (yes, the television show), a bit of Jameson, and a failed attempt at ordering calzones. My family's not Greek, so I've learned to make things up a bit as I go. Plus, being a vegetarian, it's utterly pointless to cook myself an entire lamb to not eat. Those lambs are also expensive; it's not something a poor college student can necessarily afford, as I'm sure you know.

Regardless, I hope you all had a blessed Pascha. And, yes, I know this post is a bit late. But it's not Pentecost yet, eh?

More mundane thoughts later. And by "later," I mean post-final period.